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Humboldt Lab for Empirical and Quantitative Research


Compute Servers

Here you can find instructions on how to connect to our servers. In case you face technical issues, please contact us.

Below you see a list of all our servers (only computation, no databases) with their names and the 5min average of their utilization. This shall help you to identify and use free resources faster. You can connect to any of the displayed terminal servers with your user account. Notice that you have to be within the university network to do so.

Please note: User profiles on the compute servers that have not been used within 90 days will be deleted automatically!

Maintenance Day

Please be aware of our maintenance day.

Every 3rd Tuesday of a month, from approx. 07:00 till 15:00 all LEQR servers and services are not available or unstable. Please note that the servers will be rebooted during this time, so that unsaved data will be lost.

The next maintenance day will be in:
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The Humboldt Lab offer the following scientific software on its compute servers for use by all members.



A set of various tools.